The HydroElite Experience

TractionElite H2

We are delighted to present the TractionElite H2 to you! Hydroware’s highly regarded solutions are now available for both hydraulic and traction lifts. We are keen to provide you with a quotation for our TractionElite H2 MR and MRL models.

TractionElite H2 is our solution for modernising traction lifts, with or without a machine room. Enjoy all the benefits you’re accustomed to with Hydroware as your partner, now extended to traction lifts.

ONE experience for all!

The H2 lift controller, designed for use with both the TractionElite H2 and HydroElite H2 models, is a contemporary system equipped with built-in IoT capabilities. It promises to revolutionise lift installation and maintenance for the 21st century. Moreover, we serve as a One-Stop-Shop for everything your lift project needs – everything from ONE supplier.

It is remarkable that we are now in a position to extend our modernisation solution to traction lifts. This significantly strengthens our commitment to advancing a circular economy.

— Mark Golder, Managing Director Hydroware UK Ltd

Ask us for a quotation

Please use the quotation and offer form for TractionElite when asking for a quotation. Using the form will speed up the process, giving us all the information we need to send you a complete quotation.

Please send the completed form, request further information or a call back by emailing

Quotation and order form TractionElite

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Sustainable lift
Modernisation of
traction lifts

Superior installation
Reduced installation time

10-inch touch display
Simple navigation and
clear overview

CANopen Lift
Flexibility and less cables

HydroCloud connection
Surveillance, access and updates with cloud connection